Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Hint Hint for Christmas Gifts!

2003-05-19 at 01:17

First things First, Happy Birthday Jenn!! It's all downhill from here! :)

Les Mis even made the news out west. How friggin cool is that? I thought of Jenn and Mad.

Anyway, tonight, I went to one of my friends, we ordered pizza and watched the end of the tv show "The Bachelor." It was quite good, and I'm glad he chose the nice one, instead of the 23 year old indecisive one. I pretty much knew he would choose her because when he talked about her, his face lit up. Also, he gave her a robe, and how friggin sweet was that? How simply adorable. *sigh* It almost reaffirms my faith in all that romantic crap. :)

Looks like I'm going to St. Louis for fun in July. My friend is attending a candle conference and I get to help sell her fragrance stacks A completely paid vacation, hell yeah! I'm not complaining one bit. Plus I love to travel, so this will be a plus.

I also "went shopping" at my friends house tonight. She has a make up line, which I plan on buying for my friends this christmas, so please head over to her website Pur Element and let me know which colors you like and I'll send them for Christmas. HINT HINT (Jenn, Paula, Mad, Sherry, Liz, Amy, Sue, Lou, Stef, Jess, and Linda! ) The stuff rocks, and she even orders the face powder like that Bare essentials line you see on TV. It's the EXACT same stuff, but better. So head on over there and let me know your color choices. I promise you all will like it. :) Don't forget to drop me an email with what you like. :) Better yet, leave me a comment in the comment section! See you only have to click and write! :) She also carries lip gloss, eyeliner, lip liner, glitter, etc. Her stuff kicks ass and y'all will like it. Man I'm a walking advertisement.

Was that a big enough hint for everyone? I hope so. :)

I learned a few things these past two weeks. First of all, I have great friends. You know who you are, but man you guys rock, I love you all, and thanks for keeping me sane. Secondly, I love to dance. Dancing to the techno music these past two days has made me realize how much I enjoy it. I love anything that I can groove to and I'm happy to find an exercise that I like. Third, I love working with computers. I'm ready to start my life with them and I'm tired of waiting for things to happen. It's time I started making it happen. Finally, and probably most importantly, home for me, is really where I feel most comfortable. It doesn't matter where I live, what city, what state, or even what planet. As long as I'm happy, geography doesn't matter.

And on that note, I'm going to retire for the night. I'm tired and I have to work in the morning.

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Yoda: Sleeping
Bugger: Sleeping
Angela: Going to bed. I'm tired.

1 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
