Not much of a secret, but here I am!






hate hate hate

2003-02-26 at 12:14

I despise my job with a passion. I'm so tired of cancelling files that I could scream. I hate getting up int he morning and realizing that I have to go to work and cancel files. It doesn't help that morale sucks at work, my emotions are all bunched up and I am really unhappy. UGH! My job now is worse than teaching, which y'all know how sucky that was, so now you have a better idea of how things are.

Hate the job, hate the boss, hate the team leader hate hate hate. I need a place to channel all this negative energy, so I can get out some positive vibes.

Will someone please put me out of my misery?

Please pray to whatever god, deity, etc., you have that the job transfer will go through, that I'll get away from this dumpy place, and that I'll finally get to have some fun in my life.

I've decided that when the shit flies, it really flies.

Other than the job, I'm doing well. I am greatly looking forward to this weekend, and if I survive the week, I'll be all set. SH*T! I just realized that I have to go to my mom's for laundry on Thursday night because I leave Saturday for Seattle. I need clean clothes. But then I could do what I always do and just go and buy new ones. LOL.

Ah the possibilities.

Only one more week, then I will hopefully have more news. The waiting is killing me though.

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping
Bugger: Sleeping
Angela: Annoyed and irritated at work.

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
