Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Freeway does not mean strollway

2003-03-08 at 15:13

I'm in a rant sort of mood today, consider yourself warned. :)

Does anyone in this state get the concept of what a freeway is? Let me break it down for you. First, a freeway is there to move mass amounts of cars from point "A" to point "B" quickly, especially on a weekend. It is not there for your leisurely strolls down memory lane, nor is it there to play oogle eyes at the cop while they're writing a ticket. Who gives a fuck! You're just nosy bastards who have nothing better to do then look at the person in the car and breath a sigh of relief because it isn't you. Do you think it's actually someone you know? Will someone please explain the fascination with stopping the entire freeway because the cop has to write a ticket? Wake up people! I don't care what the cop is doing. It's none of my business and it should be none of yours. Get a Life!

I feel better now. :) Cute Tech Boy came to work again today. Man if I was worse, I'd invent jobs for him, just so he could come and do them. He's a hottie. HUMINA! Even my boss said he was. :)

Still waiting on the job front. It's not moving fast enough for me, but I suppose patience is a good thing.

The patch is working very well. My body is still adjusting, as this week was supposed to be my period without patch week, and the patch is telling my body, well fuck you, you have to wait another week. I've got cramps, and moodyness, but I imagine in another month it will work itself out, which is always a good thing.

Hopefully, I'll survive the weekend at my moms. We're going to the Laker game tomorrow, and I'm doing laundry there, but I've learned that I can only take my mom in small doses. Don't get me wrong, I love her. I simply am only able to tolerate her in small doses. We tend to self-destruct if left together for too long.

I had a bizarre dream last night. I dreamed I was supposed to go to Barry's upcoming concert, and I had bought the ticket, and was on the plane flying there, when I got the phone call it had been cancelled. Then somehow I ended up at the venue, and there were these whacked out looking posters with Barry and his wife on them, but they were done completely in red, with black eyes, and then the venue had stuck these giant white bumper stickers on them that said cancelled. Then I was back in my bed and waking up. It was seriously screwed up. I wonder what I had for dinner. LOL.

I need more hometown friends. It's hard having friend back east who get to do things together and then you just hear about it. Don't get me wrong, I love you all, but I'll admit I'm a little jealous. So either I need more hometown friends, or I just need to move. Either way, it's going to take a lot of work on my part. To all my friends hanging out this weekend, HAVE A BLAST!!! Take lots of pictures and fill me in on the details. :)

And on that note, I best be going. Love to y'all.

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Yoda: Sleeping in the kitchen
Bugger: Sleeping on my dirty clothes
Angela: Going to Mom's

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
