Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Bye Bye Buffy

2003-04-29 at 23:03

I was going to wait to write this montage of memories, but I was in a writing mood. What can I say? I run with the inspiration.

Tonight, as I'm watching Buffy, I realize that in 3 short weeks, it's all over. I suppose I've been in denial, because as one of my favorite shows, I never really thought about it actually ending. There's always been another season, another storyline to be told, until now.

I remember the first time I watched Buffy. The Sunday Los Angeles Times featured show on the cover of its TV guide. I was so excited, because previously I had watched Sarah Michelle Gellar on the soap opera, "All My Children." I was a fan of hers from the get go. I was also a fan of anything having to do with mystical, or unexplainable things: Vampires, Human insects, Witchcraft, etc.. It's the inner X-Files geek that resides in me. I was at my mom's, and I was very excited. I suppose it was an added bonus that the show's outside high school scenes were taped about 5 miles from my mom's house. The show came on and from the first minute I was hooked. Every Monday night I had to watch it. I would schedule my life around this one show. It was my relaxation, my time to rest. For one hour each week, I sat in front of the TV watching this show. I wouldn't answer the phone, wouldn't try to multi-task, I simply sat down and watched this show. Some women get pedicures, I watch Buffy. It continued like this all through the first season.

At the beginning of the second season, I was going to be overseas. There was NO WAY I would miss this show, so I set up the VCR to tape Buffy every week,and after 4 weeks, my mom would send me the tape of the Buffy episodes I had missed. I would watch the tapes over and over, because the TV I had access to overseas sucked. Don't get me wrong, I was out being a tourist 99% of the time, but when the insomnia hit, hello Buffy. When I came home, I was already up to speed and I didn't miss a beat. I continued to watch Buffy, every week, even in reruns. When it Moved from Mondays to Tuesdays, I adapted.

As I got older, and my life became more hectic, I made it a point to set my VCR every week for Buffy. If I wasn't able to be there, usually because of my classes at the time, I would tape the episode. You can be sure that, no matter how late it was, I would watch the episode the instant I came home. When Angel came along, it was always Buffy first then Angel. I loved the crossover episodes the best. I never watched much TV, but 2 hours a week was devoted to Buffy and Angel. When Buffy moved to UPN, I was there, and I'm still here. 7 spectacular seasons later, the end of an era comes to a close.

This brings me to tonight and the realization that in 3 weeks, the new episodes are over. What will I do with my Tuesday nights. What will my VCR do? I'm kidding, I do tape other things.

The truth is, yes I realize it's just a TV show. I don't need any lectures about TV being bad for me or anything like that. This commitment to watching this show, is the ONLY one I've ever had. I'm not a commitable person by any means, but hey if I can do this, I'm sure I can do other things.

Buffy will live on, in reruns and DVD's, and that's great. The finality for me, will hit when I clean out my 7 seasons of video tapes that I've kept. 7 seasons take up a lot of room. I'm not getting rid of them until I have bought all the DVD's. What can I say, I'm cautious. :)

On a completely different note, life has been going well. I've been working entirely too much, 22 hours of overtime in 2 weeks and counting, but I'm enjoying myself. I don't love my job, but I'm loving the people I work with more. People are learning to trust me because I do listen and don't gossip. One would be surprised at all the information I've acquired. Ammunition people! It's a wonderful thing. Seriously though, I have been happier than I've been in a long while at work, and that's a wonderful thing.

Cats are doing well. Completely spoiled, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm not tired, but I know I should get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a VERY long day. It's the last day of the month, computers will most like crash, and I'll be busy assisting with the funding. Today at work, I walked 2 miles. Our building, is only 10,000 square feet, not that big, but it can be great exercise.

One of these days, I'll figure everything out.

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Yoda: Sleeping
Bugger: Sleeping
Angela: Watching some weird show about prophets.

0 have something naughty to say

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