Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Another survey. Thanks a lot Mad! LOL

2003-02-19 at 07:28

Another survey. I should be doing homework, but alas, I'm not...hehehe

Yay Madelin!

[Name] Angela

[Birthday] June 6, 1975

[Zodiac sign] Gemini

[Sex] I rather enjoy it


[Slept in your bed] Me

[Saw you cry] I hardly ever cry. Do my cats count?

[Made you cry] Again, I hardly ever cry.

[Spent the night at your house] Um no one. I never have ppl over. lol

[You shared a drink with] my friend Yvette. It was a Corona

[You went to the movies with] My friend John

[You went to the mall with] Sherry

[Yelled at you] My dad probably. I don't remember.

[Sent you an email] Liz


[Said "I love you" and meant it?] Yes

[Been to New York?] Heck Yeah

[Been to Florida?] nope

[California?] Live here

[Hawaii?] no. but I reaallly want to

[Mexico?] a few times


[Danced naked?] In my house with the blinds closed, yeah. It's fun.

[Stalked someone?] Not in the scary way. I've been a stalker recipient. Does that count?

[Had a mud bath?] No, but I would

[What was the last food you ate?] Chicken


[Laughs the weirdest?] My friends don't have weird laughs.

[Going to have the most kids?] Yvette already has the most kids.

[Have you known the longest?] Sherry 22 years and counting

[Is the loudest?] Madelin. Hands down. Love ya girl.

[Is the quietest?] Liz.

[Is the weirdest?] all of them. LOL. j/k

[Is the funniest?] Madelin

[Is the moodiest?] Um My friends are pretty even tempered.

[Can you tell most of your secrets to?] Sherry, Liz, Jenn, Mad, and a couple guy friends. Who am I kidding, I have no secrets. LOL. j/k


[Last time you went out of the state] January to see pella. In two weeks again to see pella. Does anyone detect a pattern?

[Lucky number] 7

[Things you like in a girl/guy?] Humor, Wittyness, Great eyes and hands, intelligence, fun, respect, and compatibility.

[Do you have a crush on someone?] I always have a crush, but I never do anything. I know my limits. Crushes are healthy as long as you know the difference between a crush, and downright obsession. They keep you on your toes.

[Do they know?] Nah. I like being stealthy.

[Do you have a significant other?] Nope.

[What's his/her name?] Bugger. HAHAHA.

[What do you think of ouija boards?] Never used one. Don't plan on it. They're kinda wiggy.

[What book are you reading now?] Statistics 101.

[What's on your mouse pad?] Home, Rockapella.

[Favorite board game?] Clue, Monopoly, Sorry, and Scrabble

[Favourite magazine?] Cosmo, Entertainment Weekly, People.

[Favourite sound?] Laughter and Bugger's meow. He always sounds like he's meowing a question. It's cool.

[Worst feeling in the world?] Being broke, alone and unemployed.

[What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?] Do I have to go to work?

[Do you like scary or exciting rollercoasters] Rollercoasters rock!

[How many rings before you answer?] If I'm near the phone 1-2 rings. Otherwise, I either screen the calls or don't pick up, or I'm not near my desk. I'm a bad phone person sometimes. LOL

[Chocolate or vanilla?] Chocolate

[Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?] Nope

[If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?] Computer Trainer, traveling all around the world.

[What is your favourite snapple?] There's too many. I like the diet teas.

[Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous?] ambidextrous, but my left is slower than my right. LOL. It needs training.

[What's under your bed?] Nothing. Mattress on the floor.

[Favourite sport to watch] Basketball and Football. Anything but golf. Please no golf.

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping on her pillow
Bugger: Sleeping on my jeans
Angela: Procrastination!

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
