Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Another Saturday night home alone

2003-02-22 at 19:20

Ever since I did that 100 sexual things entry, I've literally lost my appetite. Poof. I didn't eat much yesterday, and today I had a burger and some chicken, No bread. Oh yeah, I also had some milk. It's weird. Normally I'd be eating up a storm for dinner, but now I'm all ho hum, that's nice. LOL. Maybe the whole thing cleansed me out more than I originally thought it did.

Protein burgers and neopolitan shakes from In-N-Out, are the best. Basicially, a protein burger is a hamburger, wrapped in lettuce, no bun. I was skeptical at first, but they are yummy. A neopolitan shake is exactly how it sounds. Chocolate, Vanilla, and Strawberry milkshake all mixed together. YUM. You can find the Secret Menu here.

Anyway, I'm going to return the cell phone I just got. Although it's rather cool, I can't get service from my home, and that's where I normally use it. There's no sense in me keeping a phone with technology that I can't use. I figure in about a year, I'll upgrade to a newer phone on the new service, but fror now, I'll stick with the digital. It still sucks though, because the phone is wickedly cool. :)

Then again, this could be a sign that I'm moving. I've been told that I should listen to the signs. LOL. Actually, that last part is crap. I simply prefer to just go with the flow.

Day one with the patch has been good so far. It's stuck to the right side of my abdomen. Next week I have to stick it to the left side and then I can alternate back and forth. I mean there really aren't a lot of places I can stick this thing. I've only got my abdomen, my ass, my shoulder blade, or the side of my upper arm. That's it. Of course this is only the first day, so I guess we'll have to wait and see if it gets any worse or better. On the plus side, I got one month free from my doctor, so if it sucks, I didn't lose any money over it.

I do have a tremendous headache tonight. I'm guessing it's the lack of caffeine I've had or maybe the lack of food. Either way, can we say drugs?

No, not those kinda of drugs. I meant Tylenol or Advil. LOL.

You know as I write about getting rid of the phone, all of a sudden I'm starting to get service. The only problem is that it cuts out. You'd think they'd want to improve service. What kills me is that up the road is the wireless store and of course it works perfectly there. No wonder why they get everyone to join. :) All I have to say is thank goodness for buyer's remorse. I still like the phone though, although I have to be adult about this. Phone doesn't do me any good unless there's service attached to it.

I can't believe that next weeked I'll be seeing Rockapella. WOW. It's been months! What if I don't like their music anymore? What if the concert sucks? What if I get completely toasted and don't remember a thing? LOL. I'm making all this up. I'm going to love the concert, completely enjoy myself in Seattle, and them come home the next day. It will be a great weekend.

I'm still sad about that damn cell phone. See what my life has become. Worrying about my job and cell phone. LOL

I need a more interesting life.

I almost forgot!! No more pain from my cysts! They all went bye bye. Yay! I'm done now. :)

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Cleaning herself for the zillionth time today
Bugger: Watching Gone in 60 seconds. He likes the action.
Angela: Going to take some tylenol, chang emy clothes and go to bed.

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
