Not much of a secret, but here I am!






My Christmas gift to my self and other oddities...

2001-12-21 at 1:57 p.m.

Yesterday I saw the video for "Everyday" and I had a huge grin on my face the entire time. It was great! If you're confused see yesterday's entry. At any rate, the entire video cheered me up. It was great.

Last night I went to a friend's house to do holiday baking. No offense to my friend, but boy is she organized when it comes to baking. With me, I'm much more laid back. I adjust recipes based upon taste, and flavor. I bake cookies without exact ingredients. I can do them by touch. My friend on the other hand did a spreadsheet for purchasing the ingredients, and is very by the book. We compliment each other, but at the same time we clash. At any rate, all worked out. We managed to get an assembly line going and things went rather quickly. It's all good. I got out of the house for a few hours and that's always a good thing. Tomorrow I go to my dad's house and bake some goodies for him. I've been thinking of starting a business. Miss Bake: I bake your goods so you don't have to. Cheesy yes, but I could make money around the holidays doing something I enjoyed.

Anyway, I've decided my Christmas gift to myself is to clean my apartment from top to bottom. That way I can start the new year out fresh. I'm tired of it being dirty and not being able to have people over. I want to be sociable, dammit! At the very least I want one less thing in my life to stress over.

Another gift to myself is to finish all the projects I have unfinished. That may take a couple weeks, but I want to start my new year off fresh, with nothing hanging over my head. Once I tie up my loose ends, my life can move forward instead of being stuck in limbo.

If I want my life to change, I need to change it. So that's what I'm going to do!

On a side note, I want to apologize for my extreme hormonalness the past few days. It's that time of the month, and I only get it every 3 months or so. Yippee huh? I'm feeling better though. :) Whoo Hoo!

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