Not much of a secret, but here I am!






I'm working hard, honest!

2003-03-20 at 09:57

Normally I update every day, but with the server move last night, I couldn't. I had so much to say, too! Where to start?

Let's start with the body. I've been at a standstill for my weight. I haven't lost and I haven't gained. I haven't been into the "diet" thing lately, but I got renewed motivation the other day. I do well at work, then I go home and it's yuck. I have discovered several keys to keeping on track.

Firstly, I write things down. When I don't write them down, I will over eat, which isn't good. As much of a pain as it is, writing things down does help.

Secondly, I cannot have sweets in my house, at all. If they're in my cabinets, I will eat them. I've stopped buying sweets from the store because they always give you too much anyway. If I want something sweet, I'll go out and get something, once. I think it works better that way. Besides, I'm such a cheapskate that by the time I decide on what I want I won't want to spend the money for it.

No more eating out. Granted I do get lots of salads, but the temptation to eat burger and fries is too great. So I'll just cook my own meals, except when I buy a big tub of cooked brown rice to eat with my chicken. I hate cooking that stuff, takes too long.

No more eating late at night. If I get the munchies, I'm buying gum and chewing that.

I'm going to stick to my points. I have a set number of points a day, I'm going to stick to them. I've also got to start eating more veggies. I think that's been a big problem, not enough fruits and veggies. Last night I bought a bunch of fruit, and veggies. I fully plan on eating them.

We shall see how well this works. keep your fingers crossed.

On another note, War, again. Ugh! I hope it ends soon.

Yesterday I popped a zit and it came out like a worm. EWWWW! Yeah well y'all know you pop zits too. I just found it oddly gross and cool at the same time.

I still haven't decided what I'm doing for the presentation next week. I think I'm going to go shopping at Lane Bryant and see if I can find a brand new outfit to wear. I'm keeping my fingers crossed I find something.

My cats are doing fine. Bugger decided to barf again yesterday morning, so I was late to work cleaning up that. This time he was nice and only did it on the kitchen floor, so no carpet stains to speak of.

OH! Someone stole my bowl fromt he outside cat. I was pissed! That was a really nice bowl and who the hell do they think they are by stealing it. I gave the cat a new bowl but it still pissed me off. Fuckers!

My friend in Texas is in Hawaii for the next few days, and he's getting paid for it. Bastard! LOL. It's ok though, if my plan goes well, I'm going to have the company pay for me to go to Hawaii too so I can train them. :) That's a ways off, though, but I WILL make it happen.

I should probably start actually doing work now, so I will. I actually have work to do, but I don't want to.

I'll write more tonight, maybe by then I'll have a funny story to share.

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping
Bugger: Sleeping
Angela: Working,

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
