Not much of a secret, but here I am!






I Rule!!!

2001-12-11 at 6:37 p.m.

Earlier I was in a panic. I couldn't find my glasses, which was bad. Not having glasses means simply that I can't drive, can't watch TV, etc. You get the general idea, right? Anyway, all's well because I found them. YAY!

Except for the fact that I don't have a job, things have been going well in every other aspect. I had another therapy session where we're dealing with my issues with my mom. Actually it's pretty much one main issue. Every week I have some kind of homework, something to work on, etc. It's nice to start feeling more confident about myself.

I've managed to lose a few pounds, without even trying. That's always a good thing. Maybe it's the happy factor. When you're happy, you lose weight? I'm rambling.

Bugger is asleep on my feet. They're no longer cold. It's nice to have cats, sometimes.

I managed to give Bugger and Yoda baths today. The amazing part is that I didn't get scratched at all. The secret to this is: no running water. Make them a standing bath, and they're ok with it. Yoda even purrs in a bath. Go me! I rock!

Things are going well in the dating life also. I'm not going to go into detail, but it is enjoyable and a very welcome distraction. The best part is that he doesn't let me wallow, ever. What a confidence booster for me. Suffice to say, I'm enjoying myself.

I managed to beat the game Dynasty Warriors 3, with no cheat codes, no assistance, no extra stuff. I did it all on my own! It's only the second game I've managed to beat without any assistance, and I'm extremely proud of myself. YAY!!!

I'm still waiting to hear on the one job I relaly want. I'll probably call again on Friday, maybe send another note. Persistance pays off, or so I've been told.

Failure is NOT an option anymore, only success. Gotta love the positive vibe.

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