Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Bitch Attack

2002-05-09 at 12:25 a.m.

I've finally decided to upgrade this thing and get a custom design done. Look for some changes in the next few weeks. :)

I had what I like to call a "bitch attack" tonight. EVERYTHING made my nerves rattle. I was shooting off at the mouth. It's PMS. What can I say? At least now I've learned to warn people, so they'll understand my insanity. Thank god for chocolate!! It really helped me out, lead and all.(If you're confused on the lead comment check recent news stories.)

I'd like to think my life is taking a turn for the better. I mean things have been starting to fall into place, but I still have doubts. Let's face it, can you really ever dig yourself out of a hole that you've dug yourself into?

I no longer am able to drink regular Diet Coke. I'm addicted to Diet Coke with Lemon. Two weeks ago, I ordered a Diet coke, and I sent it back. It tasted too sweet. I know, weird, but hey, it's part of my charm.

I've been having quite a few vivid dreams lately. I not only have sight, and color, but also smell! It's the oddest feeling. I'm thinking maybe my senses are on overload or maybe I'm astral projecting? I've been reading up on that and I do exhibit classic signs of it, if you believe in that sort of thing. Who knows. Any ideas? Does anyone else dream with smell?

I still can't believe I'm awake at 1:30AM. I'm usually in bed. I'm actually watching The O'Reilly Factor. They're having this debate right now which discusses the pros and cons of having vending machines in schools. Personally, having been a teacher, I'm all for getting rid of the vending machines. They did a study and found out that kids today suffer from caffeine withdrawl, as badly as their parents do, if they don't get their daily snack of a soda and junk food. When I was teaching, the classes before and after breaktime/lunch wer ethe worst. You consistently had to deal with kids who were either hungry, irritated, and having caffeine withdrawl, or kids who were on sugar rushes from hell. Let's kill the vending machines with soda and candy! Keep them filled with water only! Whoo hoo! Yeah, that will happen any day now. When pigs fly, let me know. ;)

I think I've figured out a workout schedule. I'm not sure if it's working, but I sure do feel happier. On Sundays I workout to Alias. Mondays I walk. Tuesdays, I do free weights and watch Buffy. On Wednesday, I do interpretive dance to Rockapella. Thursday I do Tae Bo. Fridays include Dancing and Weights. Saturday is housework and rest. Housework technically is working out. Then I repeat the cycle. I only started this routine this week, but I really enjoy it. Hopefully, the extra poundage will start melting away. Think Thin is my motto of the day!

Here's a completely random thought. I always knew Scott from Rockapella was a workout buff. I just realized that on the current albums, the songs are perfect tempo for Workout. The slow songs are great for Cool Down. The Mid-Tempo Songs are great for Warm-Up. The fast songs are perfect workout speed. Who knew. I doubt he intentionally planned that, but thanks Scott! My workouts are very enjoyable.

I still have to change the litter box before I go to sleep, so I'm off to do that. Whoo Whoo! The excitement never ends!

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sniffing a Plastic Bag
Bugger: Eating
Angela: Preparing for my *favorite* chore: The Litterbox! *note Sarcasm* :)

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
