Not much of a secret, but here I am!






2 interviews, and a rash. what more could a girl want?

2003-03-29 at 23:10

I've been rather lax with the updating. I'll admit it, I'm a schlump, but I have had a lot to deal with. Where to begin? Let's start with Wednesday.

What a day! I woke up in the AM after having only two hours of sleep, and "fine-tuned" my presentation. I then drove to my Mom's, at 5AM. I was at my mom's by 5:40AM or so and then we drove to the airport. It would have been fine, but the plane left at 6:56AM. I got to the airport and they weren't going to let me on the plane, but I managed to squeeze it. The flight was uneventful, arriving early and then I got to pick up the rental car. The Rental car was NOT paid for so after a hullabaloo, I finally paid for it on my own, the company is reimbursing me, and I drove to corporate.

I LOVED Texas. I love the people. the men were hot, the people were nice and I had a great feeling being there. My only complaint was that it's FLAT. There were no mountains anywhere. It was quite different geographically than California. I finally arrived, did my presentation, which rocked! Then I had another impromptu interview with the supervisor of technology. I got to see pseudo date boy, man was he hot, he kept flashing his tongue ring at me. YUM! I also got to meet all the tech people I talk to in Texas. It's eerie meeting people that you talk to all the time. After that second interview which went well too, I then hopped on a plane and came home. I'm failing to mention of course that I nearly missed my plane home. When I arrived home, the fun started.

I am apparently, allergic to Texas. Why? I've got a horrible rash, itchy thing on my arms. It itches like MAD. I'm ready to go insane. I finally got some drugs and a shot of steroids on Friday and it's feeling much better, but it's still itchy. In a week, if it's not better, I'm going back to the Doctor's. Thank god for Benadryl, because that shit rocks. I love the Little pink pills. :)

My friends say that it's stress, so this weekend I'm trying to not be stressed. I'm relaxing with my cats, not wearing many clothes and watching lots of movies. In case you're wondering, clothing irritates my skin, so long sleeves are out. Amazingly enough, the rash is only on my arms, so I'm thinking that maybe it's the new shirt I bought. I didn't have it before, and now I do. So much for wearing your clothes right off the rack. That won't happen again.

My cats of course are happy because they get to be cuddly with "mom" and they love to be lazy. If they could I know they'd scratch my arms for me. Actually, I'm ready to chop off their paws and have the nails for my own, but I wouldn't do that.

I still haven't heard about the jobs, and I probably won't hear anything until Monday or Tuesday. I hate waiting, but I do hope these jobs go through.

I do have another possibility, though, so all my chickens aren't hatched into one basket.

One of these things will work out, I'm sure.

I now understand what they mean by the Itchy and Scratchy show.

I'm going to have the softest arms on the planet. I've used up half a bottle of aloe vera gel already. It helps with the itching. Well Benadryl and the anti itching stuff works too. I'm trying to relax, but maybe my friends are right and it is stress. Deep Breaths!

Who am I kidding, I should just have sex. Now that would relax me. LOL.

I watched lots of Tom Cruise today. Far and Away, Days of Thunder, Vanilla Sky and Jerry Maguire were all on the Television. Man he's hot.

Work has been going well, but I'm ready for a change. Something good is going to happen soon, I'm sure of it. :)

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping
Bugger: Watching me and looking cute
Angela: Watching Traffic, the movie, not the stuff outside my window.

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
