Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Degrassi kicks ass......

2004-05-28 at 23:19

Has anyone seen those Fanta commericals? You know the one with the 4 psychotic women, each dressed in the color of their respective Fanta. Red, Purple, Orange, and Yellow. These women go around to different locations, singing and bobbing their heads to this annoying jingle. "Don't you wanna, Fanta Fanta? Don't you wanna Fant Fanta?" Mind you, they're doing this, with a big smile on their face looking like something that belongs in the Stepford Wives movie. It's annoying, and rather frightening. Noone, is that bubbly. Every time the commercial comes on my television, I want to take a mallet and beat them so they'll shut up. Seriously folks, this commercial is why the word annoying was invented. Oh look! They have a website Psycho Fanta You too can sing along with the Psycho Fanta. Just be sure to take your mallet. :)

I was reading my diary entries from last year and I'm amazed at how far I've come.

I've moved out of California. I've found a place to live that rocks. I'm "seeing" someone who's amazing and continues to surprise me every day. I've found a tolerance to my job. I've started working out and caring more about my body. Overall, I'm starting to have a tiny sliver of life enjoyment.

Before my 30th birthday, I'm going to accomplish a few things.

I want to own a house. I want to get in shape. I want to get into the training department at work. Finally, I want to stop assuming things are negative first. and positive later. I've been doing that for too long. I always assume the worst, and get defensive and it always causes problems. Why not look at things more positive? Why must always assume everything is negative? It's not always negative and it's time I realized that.

I'm currently watching the Degrassi marathon on Noggin. Thanks to Mad, I'm now addicted to this show. It's so fun and reminds me of my days as a youthful teenager. Hello season pass.

Bugger is leaving clumps of hair all over the place. He hate me because I'm brushing him like mad. I'm going to try and find a groomer this weekend and go and get him shaved. No more hair for him! He'll be happier too as I imagine all this hair is making him ultra hot and miserable and it's only going to get worse. Say bye to your hair!

This weekend is going to rock! I'm going to sleep and clean and play xbox and workout and do nothing.

I love working out! I love the feeling I get when I'm working hard. I love the way my body feels afterwords and I love doing it. It's so much fun. It's one of the best highs in the world.

Yesterday, Jaret and I were supposed to have lunch. It didn't happen, because he had to work, but he brought me two lunch tickets cause I had no money for lunch: one for yesterday and one for today. Wasn't that sweet? *sigh* He always manages to do nice things for me. I'm not complaining.

I think I need my thermostat fixed. It stays low all the time and my air doesn't come on when it should. Ugh. One of these days I'll get it to work right.

I'm too sleepy although I'll be staying up until the makeover episode airs on Degrassi. I need a life. :)

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping
Bugger: Sleeping
Angela: Watching Degrassi with Jenn

1 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
