Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Like a river to the sea, I will always be with you

2004-03-13 at 22:40

Welcome to my Saturday night filled with...absolutely nothing to do!

Wow! Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I suppose I should get into the more interesting stuff in regards to my life.

I've thought about it and there isn't much of anything interesting going on. I've decided to talk about the rest of my family.

My mom is moving to Arizona and selling the house in California. They're ready to move to this retirement community and live out the rest of their days there. Good for them! :)

My Dad is doing well with business and with life. I still owe him money, but I'll pay it off eventually.

Well that managed to take up a few lines. Back to my life.

I've been working, a lot. As many of you know, or don't know, I have some debts to pay off, and me working these insane hours helps with paying off those debts. It's a slow process, but it seems to be helping. I haven't made a huge dent yet, but I will eventually.

I haven't had caffeine in over a month now, and it hasn't been as bad as I thought it would be. I'm still standing, I sleep better, and I'm not so spastic. Of course, I've also realized that I hardly ever eat any sugar either, and today I had starburst and Hawaiian Punch. Well, needless to say it was like someone shot me with adrenaline. Too much sugar for one person.

The cats are doing quite well. I think they enjoy the apartment more than I do. Tonight a bug got into the apartment and they were fighting over that. I have such odd cats. I bought them a cat bed thing and Bugger sleeps in it every night, except right now because Yoda is sleeping in it. Weirdos. Yoda is still adorable at her 9lbs and Bugger is still fat at his 12, but at least they're healthy. I think they'll be around for a while.

It has been raining all day today. Not very cheerful weather to speak of. The cats enjoy watching it out the window.

I'm watching a Phil Collins video, "One More Night," thinking about the 80's. I love this song. *sigh* He's so damn talented. Good thing he won that Oscar.

And then we go from talent, to the other side of the spectrum with the group "The Time" and "Jungle Love." O-E-O-E-O

Ok I just danced like a madwoman in my living room. I feel so much better.

Next week I start my work with the personal trainer, new workout and exercise program, etc. I have to plan my grocery list tomorrow. I'm pretty excited. It should be interesting as it's a whole 12 week plan. I'm quite pumped. :)

My PMS this time around hasn't been that bad. Go figure that out. Actually, my life hasn't been that bad recently. *knock on wood* I hope it lasts.

TTB2 and I have been having a grand old time. I dunno what we are, but I'm enjoying it. Who needs definitions anyway? I've been rather enjoying the ride. Next weekend we're supposed to go "out" and do something nice. Whatever that means. He's been rather attentive lately. I've given up trying to understand it. I keep telling myself to enjoy it.

It's weird. When life goes well, you wait for the ball to drop. I keep waiting for it to fall out and go splat and it hasn't. I'm not used to things going well. I'm used to having at least a little drama. At the very least, how about some family drama, but I don't. Anyone have any drama I can borrow? I'm starting to become boring.

On the plus side, I've started reading a lot again, I listen to music, I watch movies, I play xbox, I go out with friends. I moved to Texas and my life got very peaceful, which I like.

Now that I've thought about it, I guess I am rather enjoying my life. So YAY ME!

Oh before I forget, I want to say that my boss completely rocks!

Thank You, and Good Night!

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Yoda: Watching me
Bugger: Sleeping
Angela: Happy and tired. Dancin is hard work.

1 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
