Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Robin Williams is fuckin' hilarious

2004-01-17 at 19:47

I answered a survey in my previous entry. So go and read it first, cause it's interesting! :)

Well any who, here's the real entry for today, cause I decided to do at least one productive thing today.

My day so far has consited of doing absolutely nothing and it has felt great! I slept in late, and pretty much watched TV, and played XBox all day.

Sadly, my period is coming again soon and it's such a shame. I've enjoyed not having it quite a bit. Of course I think my lazyness is caused by me knowing my period is coming soon. I'm bloated, and gassy, moody and miserable and it's probably best that I don't associate with society today. :) Ever notice how when you're getting your period, or about to get it, the only thing you want to wear are your old granny undies, and some grubby clothes? Or is that only me? Am I the weirdo here?

I'm watching Chicago again. I love this movie. I could sing along to it and dance to it all day. How the hell did Catherine do this pregnant? I also watched Pirates today and it was yummy.

Someone came here searching for McDonald's Shoes. WTF man? Wear anything!

Did find out some good news on Friday. TTB2 doesn't have to travel, which rocks. So then I'll still get to see him every day. Whoo whoo!

I've also decided that I'm going to make reservatiosn for June 5, 2004, day before my 29th birthday, for Mortons. I want the filet Mignoin, the Potato, and especially the Ghiradelli chocolate dessert. MMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Now that will be a rockin' birthday gift. I might even take one of my friends. Heck, if I'm going to enjoy my last year of 20's, I'm going to enjoy it at an awesome place. :) Then I'll take the day off after my birthday and have a 3 day weekend.

I think that would be a great birthday gift. Good food, and a day off.

Oooh, Robin Williams is on HBO. This is one friggin funny special. I think watching him drink his many bottles of water is most amusing. Does he need that many? There must be at least 20 bottles.

I'm bored! I think I'm going to go and take a shower. I'm feelin all yucky.

Ooh he's makin Texas jokes. hahaha. They're so true!

Ok Showertime!

last entry | next entry

Yoda: I hav eno clue where she is
Bugger: No clue where he is either
Angela: I am about to pee my pants cause I'm laughing so hard at Robin WIlliams.

1 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
