Not much of a secret, but here I am!






I'm hormonal, and it ain't pretty.

2004-01-16 at 01:54

My friedn Kimi just left and I feel 2000% better than I did earlier tonight. I'm mostly feeling hormonal, which automatically makes me moody, bitchy, and a complete loon, but it does tend to serve as the catlyst to talking things out with people.

See, I'm a bottler. I like to bottle things up and then explode later, and having PMS forces me to get it out every three weeks or so.

Anyway, Kimi stopped by, see I don't mind when people just stop by. It's not like I have a life. :) She also brought Little Vanessa, and really people, how can you be mopey around that bundle of joy? Anyway, Little V was fed and changed, then she fell asleep on my couch, and Kimi and I played like 20 games of Uno, which rocked. She kicked my butt most of the time though.

I also had a long drawn out talk with TTB2, which was good cause I got a lot of things out, and managed to say half of what I wanted to. He said a lot too, and it was nice to clear the air. That helps make things better too.

COmpany made a mistake and paid us twice, and supposedly, they're supposed to withdraw the funds, but it hasn't happened yet. So I've got a double paycheck sitting there. Don't get me wrong, the company will balance their books, one way or another, but it would be nice to have that money now. I'd pay my rent, then pay off some bills, and some money to the pops, and the credit card, and what not. I will catch up on my bills. That's my New Year's resolution. Tomorrow I'm going to look into being a part time funder for the subprime division. It's one saturday a month, and some extra hours a week. Maybe I can make it work. I'm not crazy about work on Saturdays, but I'm more determined to pay off my bills.

I feel better than I did earlier and that's a good thing. I suppose I should get some sleep. I can't believe I have to have my period again in 4 days. So far, no cramps, but my back is sore, I'm bloated, and I crave red meat.

I was reading about a town in Indiana that serves fried cow brain sandwiches. EWWWW!! Someone searched for this diary with the words shoe dipping. HUH?

Ok ya'll pray for a big raise next month. I only need a few hundred more a month so I can start saving money and finally paying things off. Pray for a good review!

Have I mentioned how much I adore my Tivo? It rocks my world beyond belief and it completely changed how I watched TV. No lie, the commercials are true!

Last weekend, I finished watching all my episodes of Family Guy, and Futurama, and then I didn't know what else to watch, cause I didn't have anymore Tivo suggestions. I know, I know, pathetic.

*yawn* It's sleepytime.

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Yoda: Sleeping
Bugger: Sleeping
Angela: Bedtime!

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
