Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Zabwe dap dooby doo Zap a da dee dop zwe bop, Zwee Dap Zee Doo.Zabwe dap zooby dooby do zee zap dee doo,

2003-10-13 at 23:39

I wish there was a part of me that could provide something interesting to talk about, but there's not. Once I disposed of the job in CA, I suddenly found myself with all this time, and a huge lessening of stress. Why the hell did I stay there that long? Who knows, but I'm glad to be where I'm at.

Don't get me wrong, the job isn't all peaches and cream, but it's 10000000000000000% better than it was before.

I've still got my cough, and my allergies, although it's remarkably much better. My new doctor rocks. I also got prescriptions of zyrtec, nasalcort, codeine cough syrup and amoxicillian. I've got a sinus infection with allergies. If I could just get rid of the cough, I'd be set.

I've been borrowing a friend's XBox and I'm loving it. It's so much fun and the graphics are awesome. Maybe someday I'll eventually own one of my own.

Cats are doing well. They've actually lost some weight and look much healthier. I wish I lost weight that easily.

My heart goe sout to my friend. He lost his grandma in a tragic car accident this past weekend. His grandpa is still alive in ICU, and they think he's going to make it, but what a crappy way to start the weekend. My condolances.

Due to the cold, my work-out plans have been put on hold. I'm not looking to get myself sicker.

This weekend, I managed to take too much of the codeine cough syrup. One minute I went to sleep around 2am, and woke up around 4PM. I think I did get up at noon to pee, but went right back to bed after that. I felt so great on Saturday night. I watched the new Lion King DVD. I love that movie. *sigh*

I'm so tired. I'm off to bed. Scores update manana. My cough syrup is starting to take effect.

Todays Lyrics is from one of my favorite animated films.

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping
Bugger: Sleeping
Angela: Bed

5 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
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I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
