Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Positivity Rocks!

2003-02-08 at 14:58

Is anyone else besides me, amazed at the extent people will live within their fantasy world because their own world sucks major ass? I've known people who do just that. Here's my life, but it's all made up because I don't live within the scope of reality. I'm always amazed at what people choose to see and believe. Word of advice: Get into reality, quick! You'll spend less in therapy bills, self-destructing, and trying to figure out what makes sense in life. Live, for life. It's the only one you've got.

I've started to actually embrace my own life. I lost weight this week, yay, and I'm determined to get my ass into the IT world. I'm taking the steps to better myself and I'm enjoying my life. I think I've had a liberation of sorts, and I'm ready to express that to the world!

You know what I've discovered in this period of liberation? Life's too short to not make your own path. Also, the only people you have to answer to in life are yourself, and whatever deity you pray to. That's about it. If you're ok with what you do, then I say go for it. I don't have the right to judge you for your actions. "It's your life, live it!"

Before I get a bunch of hate emails about this entry advocating crime and what not, I'm not. I still believe in right and wrong. Don't go breaking the law. Just enjoy your life to the fullest. Make yourself happy and then everything else will follow. :)

I'm on a rant of philosophy this week for some reason. I think I'm just tired. I was quite the busy bee this week and got seriously motivated. I think I've finally discovered who I am and what makes me tick. I love it.

Work is work. I have a meeting with my boss on Monday to discuss my future goals and a timeline to move into IT. I've got several recruiters names who I'm going to send my resume to. I've also got a recommendation from two people coming. I think I'm on my way.

My cats are doing great. Yoda has dandruff, but I've been trying to get that under control. She gets jojoba oil treatments which work quite well. Bugger, is Bugger. Spoiled rotten but completely loveable. I love going home to them every day. I know they're always happy to see me and they keep me sane. I love that.

I think I'm going to be single for a long while. I enjoy my freedom, and I haven't found anyone who stimulates me enough to settle down. Besides, I figure when it happens, it happens. That's how romance and love should go. Instant, boom! That's the best kind.

Parents are doing well. Family is doing OK. Grandma has skin cancer so we're all dealing with that. I'm hoping it will go away and she'll come out of it with flying colors.

I just got over the Red River, and so I'm a happy camper. amazingly enough my hormones weren't as bad as they usually are. Maybe they're leveling out.

Positivity rocks!

To my friends, you know who you are, I know I don't say it enough, but you rock. Thank you for allowing me to invade your lives and letting me get to know you all better. Without you, I wouldn't be where I am. I love you all.

I'm off to finish my laundry. :) Happy Saturday!

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Yoda: Sleeping
Bugger: Sleeping
Angela: Laundry at Mom's

0 have something naughty to say

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