Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Wrestling a 12 foot snake.....

2002-10-12 at 00:07

Yesterday, My boss stops by and says when you have 5 minutes, I'd like to see you. Great! I *love* meeting with my boss. Perhaps she can rip me a new asshole. Seriously though, I start psyching myself out for the meeting. Two days earlier, a colleague of mine had a meeting and was fired. Part of my therapy though was to think positive, so I hoped for the best.

I went to her office, she goes to close the door and says. "You're fired. No I'm just kidding." HAHA! It was so funny I forgot to laugh. *rolls eyes* Anyway, she offered me more money, not much, but hey I'm slowly moving up, and I'm getting a higher bonus. Now instead of being able to buy a Big Mac, I can get a value meal. Whoo Whoo!

I suppose I should feel honored that my boss gave me a raise. She moved up a co-worker of mine and she didn't get a raise. I deserve it though. I fix a lot of things in the office and I'm always working on special projects for my boss. It's a catch 22. On one hand, I want to just come to work and do my job, and possibly slack but on the other, I'm building my job security because I know more than the average joe in the office. I'll revisit this in a month. I'm just happy I don't have to answer any phones.

Cute cat alert: Bugger has decided that my vitamin Jars make the perfect toy. He was batting around one jar tonight. Why bother buying him toys when he can use various kitchen items?

There's this Australian Snake handler guy who's wrestling a 12 foot long Cobra on Jay Leno tonight. *shudder* No thank you. I'll keep Ferdinand. Cute, non-poisonous.

Wild Berry dots, yuck. Cute packaging though.

99 cent store rocks. Lightbulbs, 99 cents! I bought 24 of them. I've been running on one bulb for a while. Can I just say, let there be light! Whoo Hoo!

SEX SEX SEX!! I'm not getting any. I just put that in there to get a few more hits to this diary.

I'm downloading the Buffy episode I missed. I've decided to always set my VCR. I can't remember the last time I missed an episode. I think because I know it will be on DVD eventually, I'm not really that concerned with taping it. I'm still not reading any spoilers. It makes the season more enjoyable.

I'm off to find a new .avi player to play my Buffy.

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping
Bugger: Sleeping and dreaming. I think he's chasing a mouse.
Angela: Surfing the net.

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
