Not much of a secret, but here I am!






100 factoids about me.

2003-02-16 at 20:37

On hundred won't this be interesting! Let's see how far I get. :)

1) My favorite color is purple, although black and red rank a close second.

2) I've had quite a few pets in my life. A dog named Max, Cat named Frisky, A guinea pig named Rascal, Another guinea pig named Midnight, a frog named George, two snakes named Isabella and Ferdinand, and two cats, Bugger and Yoda.

3) I consider myself an only child, although since I don't know my biological father, I worry that the next guy I meet will end up being my half brother and we'd end up on some weird Jerry Springer episode. Odd yes, but it's interesting.

4) I have every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on a combination of VHS tape, DVD, or my computer.

5) My dream job is to work in a job dealing with computers and traveling.

6) I have no desire to have kids at this point in my life. I think the mothering gene skipped me.

7) I was unhealthily thin in Jr. high and High School.

8) I prefer Diet Coke over Diet Pepsi.

9) I love drinking Midori Sours.

10) I sing in my shower.

11) I don't function well in the morning till about 10AM.

12) I love watching movie musicals and musicals in general. My favorite musicals are Chicago and Phantom.

13) I've kissed a girl on a dare and been offered a three-way twice. I didn't take the three way offers.

14) I own over 400 CD's.

15) I love reality shows, but can't stand them at the same time.

16) Am I only on 16? Needles and seeing blood throrougly scare the shit out of me. I love watching medical shows that creep me out.

17) I haven't had a relationship in 6 years.

18) I've only teared up at watching anything three times. 2 episodes of Buffy and a scene from the movie Patch Adams.

19) I would rather walk away from an argument, then argue over it.

20) How I feel emotionally will affect my sleep. In other words if I'm sad, I'll sleep deeper than when I'm happy.

21) I've slept through earthquakes, severe wind and thunderstorms.

22) I enjoy cooking for other people, but not myself.

23) I sleep on my stomach, or my side.

24) I always get lost the first time I travel anywhere, then I remember where it is the second time.

25) When I'm stressed, I grind my teeth when I'm sleeping.

26) I've never taken an illegal drug.

27) The smell of marijuana makes me sick.

28) I am a very shy person at first, and would prefer hiding in the shadows until I get to know the person.

29) I was sun burned with a second degree burn, and had blisters the size of golf balls on my back when I was 10. When my skin finally started peeling, it peeled off in sheets.

30) I've broken up with a guy simply because he bored me.

31) I am not religious, but I do believe in a higher power.

32) I enjoy playing video games, and any type of carnival game, just for fun.

33) I've picked my nose before. Shut up! You have too! LOL.

34) I think Rockapella is the greatest acapella group, EVER.

35) I dream in color, with smells and sound, but don't remember all of my dreams.

36) South Park is one of the greatest satirical shows, ever.

37) I enjoy walking outside on the grass barefoot.

38) I own books I've never read.

39) My first concert was Van Halen. My most recent was Rockapella.

40) I hate doing laundry, and dishes.

41) I take on too many projects and get frustrated when I can't finish them all.

42) I often think people don't like me and only tolerate my presence.

43) I love reading and learning interesting factoids about different subjects.

44) I've cheated on a test.

45) I still have not watched Lord of the Rings, but I own the DVD.

46) I would have to have sex with a guy before I married him. I believe in sexual compatibility.

47) I have four piercing in each ear, but no tattoos, or piercings elsewhere.

48) My three favorite children's books are "The Littlest Angel," "Max," "Lullaby, Hullabaloo," and "I'll love you forever."

49) I've been in Love once.

50) I like to believe in soul mates, astrology, chinese horoscopes and numerology. I don't think it's all true, but it's interesting.

51) Most of my friends are girls.

52) I think of my friends as my family.

53) I'm a closet sentimental schmuck.

54) I've lived in England for 4 months, North Carolina for 3 years, and traveled to Scotland, Ireland, France, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Austrailia, and driven across the US when I was 5.

55) I've marched in the Rose Parade and been on TV for a split second.

56) I was a Girl Scout and spent summers usually at Girl Scout Camp or the YMCA.

57) My first job was working as a Recreation Counselor. Free trips to amusement parks, not a bad deal.

58) Although I love my cats, I miss having a dog.

59) I often wonder if my birthday is really June 7, rather than June 6, considering I was born at 11:58PM. What if the watch was wrong?

60) I had childhood epilepsy, and used to take phenobarbitol, and had to get EKG's once a month.

61) I am primarily right handed, but I can write with my left hand.

62) I look at my fingers when I type.

63) I was ranked as 107/775 when I finally graduated High school and graduated with honors.

64) My favorite thing in the world is making people laugh.

65) My favorite curse word is "fuck" and I use it entirely too fucking much.

66) I've never been married and have no kids.

67) I once stole a pack of gum when I was 5, and my dad made me return it.

68) I always have to have two of everything. It's the gemini.

69) If I was asked to choose between a porno book, or a porno film, I'd take the book.

70) I've owned three cars. A 1990 Honda Accord, a 1990 Honda Civic, and a 1999 Accord.

71) I have a weakness for my neck being kissed by a good looking guy.

72) I've been held up at gunpoint and robbed for $3.00. I've subsequently testified in court and identified the suspect in a police line up.

73) I've ridden in the back of a campus police car, not because I was arrested, but because I was getting a ride back to the dorm, it was snowing and the busses weren't running anymore at school.

74) I always count how many rows I am away from the exit when I ride on an airplane.

75) When I was little, I enjoyed grosing my mom out, by showing her my "treasures" including, bugs, and frogs.

76) I love roses and orchids, especially purple and white ones.

77) I have a scar on my eyebrow area from chicken pox, and subsequently no hair grows from it.

78) I own the entire Time Life 80's music series, including the Rolling Stone special discs.

79) I once had a guy offer to be my love/sex slave in college, but I turned him down. That was just too weird.

80) I enjoy going to Disneyland and people watching for hours.

81) I have no desire to be on Survivor, Fear Factor or any other reality show.

82) I hate the way I look in pictures and don't like taking them.

83) I love reading the completely off the wall tabloids. The ones where the potato looks like Jesus, and my dog had a three headed puppy and man dives in dumpster to retrieve a sweater. (HA-HA!)

84) I take comments about me to heart, and try to improve and grow from them.

85) Although I project confidence, I can get very insecure and have been told more than once that I need to have more confidence in myself.

86) I won the Rotary All-Around Student Award in 8th grade, beating out my entire 8th grade class and was nominated for it by my teachers.

87) My grandfater died alone and was not discovered for days. I have guilt over not seeing him before he died.

88) I love many different types of music and would find it impossible to pick one favorite.

89) When I was three I had a crush on Barry Manilow and Copacabana was my favorite song.

90) I've had three injuries that required stitches: Forehead when I was 3, Back of my head when I was 7, and hand when I was 19. I still have the hand scar.

91) My first kiss was in Australia, when I was 15.

92) I miss my high school friends.

93) I can rationalize myself out of a purchase, even if I really want or need it.

94) I have two drawers full of Happy Meal and Burger King Toys, including the Tiny Beanie Babies, unopened. I wonder how much I could get on Ebay for them?

95) I still haven't bought a bed, even though mine broke months ago. I sleep on a mattress on the floor.

96) I've been in therapy three times: After my parent's divorce, After I was robbed, and after I had been unemployed a few months. The last one helped me grow and improve more than I thought it would.

97) I think I'm more of a country girl with my attitude: laid back and easy going, but I live in the big city mentality: rush rush rush.

98) I am easily amused.

99) I lost my virginity at 16.5. Over 10 years ago! WOW!

100) I will repeadly say Bugger's name just to hear him meow because I love the sound of his response.

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping
Bugger: Watching TV
Angela: I'm so glad it's over!!! I can't believe I finished!

0 have something naughty to say

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