Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Tom Cruise is a hot man

2004-08-01 at 20:21

I keep hoping that someone would update, then I thought, "Why Don't I update?" So here I am, updating, without a lot to say.

To be perfectly honest, I haven't been up to much lately. I've been trying to get the house. The loan process has been a pain so far. I'm hoping it will work out this week.

I go visit my mom next week and get to see Van Halen in 4 days! I am so damn excited! It's about damn time if you ask me, which you didn't it, but I'm offering my unsolicited opinion cause it's my diary. nyah nyah. :)

I'm currently having a bout of PMS. The usual cramps, bloating, and general feeling of yuckyness are all present. I'm having a grand old time with it. Notice the smile that has plastered itself across my face as I say that.

Cats are doing well. Yoda has gained a few pounds, but she's been more loving and happy lately. Of course this is only when no one else is around, so I can't actually prove she's loving. You'll simply have to take my word on it.

Bugger on the other hand is completely spoiled rotten. He's ganed a few pounds and is very happy being the "man" of the house and is completley happy when Jaret is here. He becomes Jaret's cat when he's here and I'm quickly forgotten. Last weekend, he licked the back of Jaret's hand raw for some reason. This weekend he slept with him. I'm sure when I'm gone for a few days, I'll completely be forgotten as Jaret will be checkin in on them for a few days while I'm off on vacation. Although it seem like I have two cats, I really have only 1.5 cause Yoda only comes out when it suits her.

Tom Cruise on Inside the Actor's Studio for 2 hours. Yummy.

Jaret and I are still doing well, which is good. We've settled into something quite comfy, much like a warm blanket on a cold day.I mean one figures after a year you should be that comfortable with each other. Lots of laughter and lots of fun. Lots of moments we share. It's a new thing being in a relationship like this where you actually have to give and take and you accept the person for their faults, and their good qualities which is a hard thing to do and a learning experience, but I enjoy it. This weekend he put together this cat tent for the litterbox I have, and I think I'm going to buy another because Bugger has set up shop in it and I doubt he's going to give up the tent so I can put it around the litterbox.

I was looking over my pictures I've taken of Rockapella and there's one picture I have that is how I'll remember seeing El in concert. EL Rocks When I look at that picture, it always brings a smile to my face. I will always remember him, not only glowing on stage, but also him trying to keep a straight face and smile and regain his composure when all he wanted to do was laugh. I realize El isn't dead. He'll be back. It's just good to remember. I'd rather remember the happiness, than the fact that he's gone from Rockapella, err Rockap'la.

My working out has started to pay off.I'm starting to notice more muscles in my legs and I'm gaining some definition in my thighs. I love it. Makes me want to work out more.

Lat week I found out I could lose my job or be moved to another team and I didn't even care. It's not anything that was specific towards me, just the fact that lay offs could happen and I didn't care. I'm doing the best job I can and I will have another job if something happens. I'm more determined than ever to get into the training department. It will happen. It's just a matter of when. Patience is good.

My life is pretty OK right now. Nothing bad, nothing overly good, just a nice calmness that I've been looking for a very long time. I enjoy it a lot. I hope it continues.

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping in her Bed
Bugger: Sleeping in his tent
Angela: I should go to bed.

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
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I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
