Not much of a secret, but here I am!






I died, I was mummified, I was resurrected, I was poked and prodded. I love life!

2004-06-23 at 01:01

I went to Ohio to see Pella, where I died, and had a lovely funeral, then I was mummified in Paper towels, and finally I was brought back to life, much like The Incredible Hulk. It was a productive weekend, to say the least. Oh yeah, the pella concert rocked too. New songs, new clothes, it rocked.

Of course, with every amazing high, comes an amazing low, which, bright and early I was given on Monday Morning. My Gyno office called, informing me that my Pap Smear I had taken the week beforehand had come back abnormal and I'd have to come in for a more intensive diagnostic test. Greaat!

So, me being the one who gets things done, scheduled the appt for today. Let me tell you, the procedure sucked. Basically, You prep yourself like a normal pap smear, naked waist down, etc, but then comes the fun part.

You have to scrunch yourself WAAAAY down the table because as my Dr. put it, he needs maximum exposure. But wait, there's more! While your ass is balancing precariously on the edge of the table, he shoves a speculum up there, with it being set to MAXIMUM spread for that Maximum exposure. If that's not bad enough, he then has to take vinegar, and swab your cervix and vaginal walls, looking for anything irregular. (The vinegar acts like hydrogen peroxide when it's applied.) After he does this, then he takes a microscope and looks for irregularities. If he finds any, he takes a tissue sample. (They say it will only feel like a pinch. Bullshit! When your'e in that position, it hurts.) Finally, he takes a swab of the canal. Then he says, oh you may bleed a bit, and removes all of his instruments, and you're on your merry way. Hours later, my poor Consuela is still sore. Small pinch my ass!

The doctor told me he didn't see anything irregular, but he saw one area that was questionable so he sent the biopsy out anyway. He said there's one of three options. My original pap was a false positive, which happens a lot. OR, my first test was accurate and I could have some precancerous cells, which would need to be removed. OR I could be positive, not have any cells, but would just need to be watched for the next year, which would mean pap smears every 6 months until I get negatives or he's satisfied that I'm out of the "danger" zone.

I looked up HPV and it's not a big deal considering it can stay dormant for 10 years or more, there are over 100 different kinds, and you can pretty much contract it from anything. So I'm over the whole I feel bad thing.

My doctor is great and I do believe that everything will be OK. I doubt I've got pre-cancer, and it's probably a false positive.

Even though the procedure royally sucked today, it's nice to know that my Dr. is proactive enough get it done quickly, and proactive enough to do it. I suppose it doesn't bother me so much when he does his procedures because he's really quite cute. Hey, if someone is going to see my insides, he might as well be pleasant to my eyes. :)

I'm trying a new thing this week. I've eliminated diet sodas, and I'm alternating days between weights and cardio. We'll see how my energy changes or if I lose any weight.

My personal trainer says losing weight involves three things. Reducing calories/eating healthier, weight training, and cardio training. I've got the weight training down, I'm adding the cardio, and last is the food. It should be a good thing. :)

I'm pooped. I'm off to bed. I'm going into work early tomorrow so I can leave on time. I have to do laundry tomorrow. I'm almost out of undies. I'd hate to go commando.

Think good thoughts and hope everything is OK everyone. It is appreciated.

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Yoda: Sleeping
Bugger: Sleeping
Angela: Off to bed. I'm going to take some Aleve and relax

4 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
