Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Death is an irony.

2004-04-03 at 22:42

Last night I went and saw Jerry Seinfeld with Jaret. It was awesome! I love that Jerry and it was well worth the price of tickets for that show. Of course, this being my first Jerry Seinfeld show, something just had to happen.

We're sitting there, laughing at Jerry's bit about death. He had just gotten through describing how you don't want to die. Which, for those of you that weren't there, is clutching a big drape, falling towards the floor, pulling the drape towards you with a weird, I'm dying look on your face. He had just started in on how you want to die, palms up on your death bed, when about 10 rows up from where we were sitting you hear this "help us! Is there a doctor in the house?" Look forword, and there's a guy having a heart attack, during Jerry's death bit. Ambulance came and took him away and everything.

Jerry of course took it all in stride, telling us this wasn't the first time this had happened. He also congratulated us all on our good health at the end of the show.

Now granted I feel sorry for the guy, but what are the odds of that happening? Totally ironic if you ask me.

Jerry managed to continue with the show, and I continued to laugh quite a bit. Excellent show Jerry!

After the show, Jaret and I went to Saltgrass where I had the steak I've been craving. It's the week before my period. I crave red meat. Then we came back here and watched some television, and he didn't leave until 1am. I do so enjoy spending time with him.

Today, I slept, a lot. I did manage to go out and get my face stuff, but I so needed sleep. Now I'm totally awake and talking to Jenn, which I love. I'm also trying to pay bills.

I just found out that my main credit card company does pay by check draft thing, which means no more stamps. It's about damn time. Now I won't ever have a late payment. I also got them to change my billing cycle so my bill is due on the 15th instead of like the 3rd, to coincide with my pay periods.

One good thing about working insane hours, my bills drop. My electricity bill went down a hell of a lot cause I was never home to use any. I like that.

Does anyone else besides me find it wrong that MTV is showing a "reality show" where these losers go through and cosmetically change themselves to look like their idols. The one I watched today was a Britney Spears look alike who got breast implants to further her entertainment career as a Britney Spears impersonator. Why do you want the juggling boobs? Morons, all of them.

I'm starving. Maybe it's cause I didn't have dinner. I have leftover steak, maybe I'll have that.

Pella in a couple weeks. YAY!

Must work Overtime for Van Halen tickets!

Final note that's kinda gross...I had a zit on the back of my neck that HURT like a mo-fo. It was causing me major tension and pain. I finally got it to pop yesterday and now my neck isn't sore anymore. Who knew a zit could cause so much pain?

In two weeks I'll have my massage! Whoo whoo!

In two weeks Sherry and Liz will be here!

In two weeks I'll see Pella!

I'm so looking forword to the next couple weeks.

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping in the cat bed
Bugger: Sleeping in the chair
Angela: Talking to Jenn, learning about interest free loans!

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
