Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Dump the superficial morons

2004-01-28 at 00:05

I kept trying to write an entry in this but I wasn't able to cause I got bored or whatever. Who cares. I'm at least writing something now, which is a start. Yay me!

Let's see I've been working lots of overtime at work. I've asked for a part time job in funding because I want more experience and more money. You think they're starting to realize that I'm a tad broke? Hello, morons, raise please. Tomorrow I have a meeting with my boss to go over why I want an additional part time job. It should be interesting.

Today I worked on TWO loans. I have one borrower who is insane and who has tried to close on 4 separate occasions, has had countless revisions to her HUD, and is just a complete and total nut. Personally I'd like to chuck her out the window, but we need the loan numbers, so I'll suffer with it for a while.

Although, I'm already tired of funding. I'm ready for a new challenge at work.

UGH, I took an omega 3 vitamin and it makes you burp fish taste. Hey don't laugh, it's supposed to help lower cholesterol and right now I need all the help I can get. I'm supposed to go in for another check up in a few months so I've decided to crack down on the problems.

My legs are still friggin sore. Although I'd love to share why they're sore, Jenn says it's too much information so I'll just let y'all use your imagination. :)

St. Louis is soon, which is good. Can't wait for that.

Let's see what else? I'm bored silly lately, have no life, and Tivo has become my new best friend.

Right now I'm watching Duran Duran on VH1 Classic. I'm not quite sure what the video is about, but I can tell you that John Taylor and Simon LeBon are hot. No-No-Notorious!

OOOH! Now it's Girls on Film. YUM! I love this song. So much fun to dance to.

I'm going to start listing how I'm saving money and reducing calories because I want to keep a record of my progress.

Saving Money:

Cancelling premium channels after free trial is over.

Not eating out. (I don't remember the last time I ate out and I actually paid.)

Buying food in bulk, like Tuna, beans, etc.

Changing my Cell Phone plan to something less expensive.

Buying less expensive cat food.

Working long hours so I have no time to spend said money.

Reducing Calories

No sweets, soda, etc.

Lots of water.

Stairs instead of elevator

No eating after 9pm.

Breakfast in the AM goes a long way towards the afternoon.

No carbs after noon. I love my special K with Strawberries. MMMMMM!

No fast food.

What's my point with all this? I'm trying to accomplish two things. 1) Better eating habits that will carry me through life and 2)eventually lost some weight. I've been exercising at least twice a week, just walking and I know eventually I'll increase it, but it's a whole step process.

Here are some random thoughts for your reading pleasure.

1) Did anyone else besides me want Felicity to end up with Noel?

2)Is anyone else getting weepy at the thought of Friends ending?

3)Is there actually anyone who finds the Golf channel even remotely interesting?

4) I love the Howard Stern movie Private Parts. Damn funny.

5) Yoda is now sleeping next to me in Bugger's chair. I think they're switching roles.

6) I've had 8 cups of water today. I think I'm going to float away.

7) In life, it's important to find people who accept you for who you are: fat, thin, happy, sad, etc. Those are the ones you want to keep. Dump the morons who are superficial.

There's my thoughts and wisdom for the day. Time for bed.

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping in Bugger's chair
Bugger: Sleeping in another chair
Angela: Going to bed. Hellooooo Sleep!

3 have something naughty to say

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I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
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year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
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