Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Would you like to take a Survey?

2004-01-08 at 11:06

[five songs that have been stuck in your head lately]

1) It's My Life No Doubt Version

2) Little Mary Snowflake Rockapella

3) All That Jazz Chicago movie

4) THe Remedy Jason Mraz

5) Hunka Burning Love Elvis

[four beverages you drink frequently]

1) Water

2) Iced Tea

3) Dr. Pepper

4) Diet Coke

5) CHerry Limeaid

[five tv shows you liked when you were a little kid]

1) Sesame Street

2) The Electric Company

3) Happy Days

4) Mork & Mindy

5) Square One TV

[four places you go most often in your neighborhood]

1) Grocery Store

2) Kimi's House

3) Work

4) Game Stop

[four things to do when you're bored]

1) Watch Tivo

2) Read

3) Play XBox

4) Surf the Net

[four things that never fail to cheer you up]

1) Talking to my Friends

2)Someone telling me a joke

3) Bugger and Yoda

4) Making other people Happy.

[four things you cannot live without (other than the basic necessities)]

1) My Cats

2) My Music

3) My Friends & Family

4) Not being able to learn new things, i.e. Internet, news, things like that. I'm a knowledge seeker.

[about ten years ago...]

1) I had graduated High School

2) I was going to go to U of A and be a teacher

3) I was working for the City of Duarte and loving it

4) Parents were getting a divorce

[about two years ago...]

1) I was unemployed (until May when I started my Job)

2) I was miserable, depressed, and hating my life

3) I had no goals

4) I had my very own pets Yoda and Bugger.

[about one year ago...]

1) I decided to Move to Texas

2) I was determined to change my life.

3) I housecleaned my life out, men friends, etc.

4) I lost a bunch of weight

5) I was moving up in my job


1) I woke up happy and refreshed

2) I realized how content I am with my life at the moment

3) I got on the scale and lost 2lbs

4) I stayed in bed and snuggled with my cats

5) I woke up to Elvis' Hunka Burning Love

6) Decided to Bake a cheesecake just for the hell of it

7) Wished my mom a Happy Birthday (she's 46)

[seven things you love]

1) My Cats

2) People who read this. THanks for taking the time.

3) Music & Movies

4) Love, passion, happiness, hope

5) My friends You guys are the best

6) My family, even though they aggravate me

7) Knowledge

[seven things you hate]

1) Stupidity

2) Arrogance

3) Allergies

4) Spam

5) Drama queens

6) Taking out the trash when it's cold

7) Cleaning the litterbox

[seven things on your desk at work]

1) Bottles of water

2) Advil

3) Pens

4) Telephone

5) Calendar

6) Computer

7) Lotion

[six facts about you]

1) I've become much more easy going as I get older

2) I love to cook, but don't do it much

3) I'm very loyal to friends

4) I like to disappear for days

5) I work too much

6) I'm open minded

7) I'm still stubborn

[five traits you like in members of the opposite sex]

1) Humor

2) Intelligence

3) Eyes

4) Sex appeal

5) Tall

[four things you would eat on the last day of your life]

1) Filet Mignoin from Mortons

2) Chocolate Dessert from Mortons

3) Salad with Ranch

4) Pumpkin desserts (fudge, pie and cheesecake)

[four cds from your collection that you will never get tired of]

1) Jason Mraz He rocks

2) Rockapella Smilin

3) Anything by VanHalen

4) Chicago Musical (Broadway and Soundtrack)

[three movie celebrities you would have sex with - This was originally MUSIC celebrities, but I don't get into musicians like I do actors, so I'm taking creative license.]

1)Viggo Mortensen

2)Orlando Bloom

3) Johnny Depp (He's still hot after all these years)

Honorable Mention: Catherine Zeta Jones: If I was gay, man she'd be Numero Uno

[four things you'd like to learn]

1) How to build a computer and program it to work

2) Latin or Italian

3) Stop my Tivo from recording the Spanish shows

4) Sew: I never took home Ec.

Phew, that was Long. Thanks Lady-Malfoy!!! Someone came here searching for Red Shoe Play Boy. Whooop! I wish I had my very own. Yummy! :)

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping
Bugger: Sleeping
Angela: Working

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
