Not much of a secret, but here I am!






First Entry...

2001-05-06 at 3:06 a.m.

I have a sleep disorder! Phew...It's great to get that off my chest. I'm feeling better already.

Why start with that? Why not? I'm tired of hiding it, and at least if you read this, you'll understand me a little more. Well,that's my intention. I'm not quite sure if it will actually work.

It's 3am and I'm still awake. No that's not part of my sleep disorder. That's called caffeine. Yes it affects me horribly. I've actually cut down quite a bit. I don't drink coffee or drink sodas. Chocolate, though, is my downfall. I love the stuff. I'm not a cheap chocolate person though. I'm more of a purist. Regular chocolate has only about 30% actual chocolate. Now you branch off to the expensive stuff...60-80% chocolate. Dark Chocolate is my favorite type...mmmmm.

Back to the sleep disorder. The clinical term for it is idopathic hypersomnolance. In layman's terms, I'm a sleep monster. I can sleep 24 hours a day 7 days a week and still feel tired. I'm excessively tired during the day. I don't wake up or hear alarms, or even the phone. I've slept through earthquakes, lightening, wind, etc. I've controlled it by taking dexadrine. Side effects, Sugar cravings. The dexadrine helps during the day, and for some reason helps me hear my alarm in the morning if I take it before I go to bed, (if not forget it), and the rest I just live with.

The worst thing about this whole thing...just about everything. Having and keeping a job is tough; Friends don't understand why you're late or miss appointments, doctor's offices don't get why you don't call if you are going to miss an appointment, etc. I have yet to watch anything that's in the dark all the way through and college classes are nearly impossible because I fall asleep during lectures. It sucks.

The plus side, I have slowed down a lot. I'm appreciating life more. I'm getting a dog to be my service dog....and I've discovered who my true friends are.

You know when I started this, I was up because The Brady Bunch Movie was on, one of those quirky, silly movies that I love. I'm a closet Brady fan and love the movie cause it spoofs it soo damn much.

I had planned to go to dreamland, then what do they put on of my all time favorites...The Princess Bride.

I love this movie! It's funny, heartfelt, romantic, clever, Blah Blah Blah. It's also filled with some of the most quotable one-liners ever. Let's not forget Cary Elwes....*Hubba*.

I got my hair done on Saturday. Now I'm all spiffy. Correction....more spiffy.

I'm off to bed now....I'm sleepy.

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