Not much of a secret, but here I am!






I have probably done this, but hey it's a new year!

2004-01-02 at 08:45


LAYER ONE: On The Outside

Name = Angela

Birth date = June 6, 1975

Birthplace = California

Current Location = Texas

Eye Color = Brown Naturally, Blue with Contacts

Hair Color = Brown, Blond and Red

Height = 5'2"

Righty or Lefty = Righty

Zodiac Sign = Gemini, isn't that obvious? :)

LAYER TWO: On The Inside

Your heritage = Scottish, Swedish, and probably a whole mix of other things.

Shoes you wore today = My black work shoes

Your fears = I'm not fearful of a whole lot. Mostly losing my job, or something happening to my friends or family.

Your perfect pizza = Deep Dish Pepperoni, with lots of Red Pepper

Goal you'd like to achieve = Owning my own Place

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow

Your most overused phrase on AIM = Let's see. Boo, Hi, :),sucky, yay!

Your thoughts first waking up = 10 more minutes cause I don't want to get out of bed.

Your best physical feature = Eyes, smile,

Your bedtime = I try to go by 11 every night, sometimes 10. I like a schedule.


Pepsi or Coke = Dr. Pepper, although I do enjoy Diet Coke

McDonald's or Burger King = Wendy's.

Single or group dates = Single.

Adidas or Nike = Nike.

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea = Sweet Tea, or just any How tea that's fruity.

Chocolate or vanilla = Chocolate.

Cappuccino or coffee = Frappachino, although I don't drink many


Smoke = No. I tried it, and Didn't like it.

Cuss = Fuck Yeah!

Sing = Yeah

Take a shower everyday = Usually, except on Weekends when I'm bumming

Have a crush(es) = Hell Yeah! Let's see, there's Viggo, Orlando, and Various real ones I've got. I'm a crush Whore. :)

Think you've been in love = Know I have.

Like(d) high school = I enjoyed it.

Want to get married = Eventually.

Believe in yourself = I started to at the end of last year and this will continue for 2004

Get motion sickness = Once, on the Boat from England to France. The water was Choppy! Usually no though.

Think you're attractive = I wish

Think you're a health freak = Haa! No way.

Get along with your parents = Ususally.

Like thunderstorms = Not really.

Play an instrument = Clarinet, although I'm good with Baby Butt Bongos. :)

LAYER SIX: In the past month have you...

Drank alcohol = Yes. New Year's Eve! Hi Jenn!

Smoked = No.

Done a drug = No. No Cramps, whoo!

Made Out = Not recently

Gone on a date = No.

Gone to the mall = Not recently

Eaten an entire box of Oreos = Can we say, Sick!

Eaten sushi = No. Don't like fish.

Been on stage = No.

Been dumped = I'm single, so I can't be dumped.

Gone skating = No.

Gone skinny dipping = No. Although that does sound fun.

Dyed your hair = Not this month. I did last month and my roots look atrocious.

Stolen anything = Nope.


Played a game that required removal of clothing = No. Not for lack of interest.

Been trashed or extremely intoxicated =

Usually Once a year. OOh! It's a new year!

Been caught "doing something" = Nope.

Been called a tease = All the time.

Gotten beaten up = No.

Shoplifted = No.

LAYER EIGHT: Getting Older

Age you hope to be married = Next two to three years?

Numbers and Names of Children =

No Kids, yet.

Describe your dream wedding = Small, Simple, Vegas, Quick. Not one for Fanfair.

How do you want to die = In my sleep, and having said goodbye beforehand, oh, and many, many, many years from now.

What do you want to be when you grow up = I am a grown up, but I want to be a Corporate Trainer eventually.

What country(ies) would you most like to visit = I've visited every country I've wanted to except Japan. One of these days I'll get there.

LAYER NINE: In a boy/girl

Best eye color? = Brown or Blue I like eyes that have a story to tell.

Best hair color? = DOn't really care. I like clean hair and hair that's kept up, no dreds. Yuck.

Short or long hair = Short

Height = 6ft

Best articles of clothing = Undies or a really nice shirt that's touchable.

Best first date location = If it's a good date, nice restaurant, sucky date, movies.

LAYER TEN: In The Numbers...

Number of drugs taken illegally = Zero.

Number of people I could trust with my life = Mostly my family, A couple friends here and there.

Number of CDs that I own = over 400 or so.

Number of piercings = Four in each ear.

Number of tattoos = None I don't like needles.

Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = Less than 10. Usually for school things.

Number of scars on my body = Lots. I fall, a lot.

Number of things in my past that I regret = Everything happens for a reason. All my bad choices made me who I am today.

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping
Bugger: Sleeping
Angela: Working. I hate this processor who brings me loans.

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
