Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Monday Survey

2003-12-08 at 21:04

Full name: Angela Elizabeth Anderson

nicknames: Angie, Ang, Jel, Ho (haha, j/k)

birthday: June 6

nationality: i'm american, dude

birthplace: Apple Valley, CA

location now: Dallas, TX

height: 5'2"

hair color: some combination of red brown and blonde

brothers and sisters: Zippo, Zero, Nada

play any sports: On my XBox

Are you are virgin: Nope

farthest you have been from home: Australia, or England Anyone know the mileage?

describe your room: Still has packing boxes in it. Needs some color

++++choose what fits you best++++

date or go out: stay in and watch a movie or play xbox with a date.

love or hate : love

day or night: night

cold or warm: warm

spoon or fork: spoon

coat or jacket: Jacket

radio or cd: mp3

rap or rock: rock

some or many: many

car or truck: car

belt or suspenders: belt

cry or smile: smile

beach or mountain: mountain

sunset or sunrise: sunset

awkward or weird: weird

cook or snack: snack

give or receive: give

kiss or make out: kiss

70's or 80's: 80's

rose or daisy: rose

old or young: young

Austin powers or James bond: James Bond

9mm or shotgun: Neither. Both Suck

peace or war: peace

slow or fast: Slow and steady

cats or dogs: cats

steak or hamburger: Filet Miniogn

delivery or pick up: delivery

sweet or bitter: salty, crunchy, sweet

happy or sad: happy

take or give: give

pain or shame: one causes the other

kick or hit: Neither. Don't like them.

clinton or bush: Neither. They both suck

brady bunch or partridge family? Brady Bunch

hold or hug: hug

whisky or beer: Tuwanka

need or want: need

trust or not trust: trust

++++number answers++++

favorite number: 7

rate yourself (1 being worst 10 being the best) 8

how many people have you talked to today: Too Many

how many people have you gone out with this year (2003): 3?

how many people have you called today: 3

how many fingers and toes do you have: 20

how many concerts have you been to: way too many to count

how many people are on your buddy list: 114

how many are offline: 99

how many screen names do you have: 5

how many years have you been in school: Lots.

how many mistakes have you made today: Getting up out of bed was the first. :)

what time is it: 9:14 PM

favorite radio station: I don't know the ones out here.

how many people live in your house: 1 and 2 cats

how many consecutive pushups can you do at a time: I have no clue

how many sheep do you count until you fall asleep: i just sleep. No sheep

+++boy/girlfriend or crush+++

do you have a boy/girlfriend: no

do you have a crush: yes

do you go for people older or younger then you: older

what is so attractive about them: personality, interests, eyes, intelligence, humor

who was your first REAL boy/girlfriend: Kenji

how old were you at that time: ...17

have you ever been "in love": yup

(if so) do you still love them: ... yes but in a different way. That chapter is closed

does your crush know you like them: yeah

what would you rate your crush (1 being worst 10 being the best): 9

when was your best kiss and with who: I've had lots of good kisses. I couldn't choose a favorite.

why was this your best kiss: N/A

when was your worst kiss and with who: Slobber boy I don't remember his name

why was this your worst kiss: See description of name

do you hate any of your x's? no

which ones: ...

best date ever: Date with CUrrent crush in July. Now that was awesome

worst date ever: None really.

your ideal date: being me, talking, understanding, laughing, sharing

who would that date be with: Texas Tech Boy 2 Crush

most annoying x boy/girlfriend: All of them. HAHAHA j/k

worst (meanest) reason for ever going out with some one: Just for sex. Get some class man.

best reason: because you want to

worst heartbreak: of mine... Breaking up with the ex. I thought I'd never get over that.

++++what comes to your mind when you think of the word ++++

friends: memories, happiness

help: the beatles song

tears: a good cry

blood: Vampires

enemy: Grrrrr

school: Enough already

pain: left abdomen

love: Happiness, strength,

hate: Building walls

player: Lots of guys I know

summer: Fun in the sun

drugs: My Patch

food: m&ms, yummy

trust: eventually

parents: over protective

fight: club (soap)

smile: friends, my cats, life

punishment: working on the weekends

heart: i heart _____

++++++ yes or no++++++

do you drink: yes

smoke: hell no

drugs: legal: yes, illegal: no

drive: yes

work: yes

in a band: no, cept my imaginary one

like seafood: no

talk to yourself: yes, all the time.

think lowly of yourself: only on certain things.

cuss: Fuck yes

have dreams that you remember: all the time

are you nice: it's easier than being mean

emo: nooooo huh?

hardcore: no

bored: most times

trustworthy: yes

a good friend: i hope so

++++your favorite++++

food: pumpkin sweets (pie, cheesecake, fudge)

animal: my cats

drink: midori sour, apple martini, tuwanka, water, Dr. Pepper

state: CA, TX

color: black/blue/purple/Red

name: Emma

thing in the world: hanging out with friends, and sleeping, but not necessarily together :)

thing about you: my friends that love me

person: me! haha no, um probably my friends. I love them.

bed time story: The Littlist Angel, Lullaby Hullabaloo

family member: Dad

sport: basketball

time of day: 8PM

day of the week: saturday

month: June

year: 1993, that was a good year

place you have gone: Australia and Spain

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping on the new blanket
Bugger: Sleeping in his chair
Angela: Who will Marlena Choose

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
