Not much of a secret, but here I am!






Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.

2003-12-01 at 23:07

I haven't had a real update in forever and I have guilt. I mean I have guilt over a lot of things, but not updating is not a good thing. I don't even remember the last time I attempted an entry here.

Let's start with today. Currently, I've had the same cramps in my left side for about 3 months now. They happen off and on, usually closer to that time of the month, but each month they have gotten progressively worse. Tomorrow I'm calling the doc. I imagine it's my overactive ovary, but knowing what Jenn went through, has taught me that one needs to be cautious in matters of the female reproductive system.

Work is still going well. Last week my current team lead took me aside and said my talents were being underutilized, so I was going to be doing special projects for her, and working with the team upstairs that is short a funder. So I've been multitasking and keeping busy. I still work overtime, but not nearly as much.

I could actually have a life if I knew anyone out here.

Next two weekends I get to see the extended editions of the Lord of the Rings FOTR & TTT, and the Blenders! I Managed to acquire a front row center seat, so I'm excited about that. I cannot wait to see them. It's only 10 miles from where I live now, so I love that. :)

I'm still contemplating the 12:01am showing of Return of the King. It would be insane but so much friggin fun! I'll decide tomorrow.

My period is supposed to arrive this week, and it sucks. Being a woman sucks sometimes.

Watched Center Stage with Jenn last night and that rocked. Giant Sticks rule!

Cats are doing well, lazy bums. The older they get the more they sleep.

Seeing pella rocked. I wrote down the whole adenture on 3 airline barf bags, but I'm too tired to transpose it. Another time. (The barf bags were unused, in case you were wondering.)

Thanksgiving was cool. Went to the Dolphins-Cowboys game. Toby Keith is awesome. I want to see him again.

Watched the Two Towers extended edition and had a huge droolfest with Orlando and Viggo. YUMMY! Only 5 more days until Fellowship on the Big Screen. Over 3 hours of them. YUM! Viggo rules!

Pirates come sout on DVD tomorrow, not to mention Alias season two. Alias has been awesome this season. I love that show.

I bought my insurance, and I'm ordering my Dish tomorrow. Soon I shall have Tivo and rule the world. MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Buffy is currently showing Season two so I'm in tv heaven in the mornings. *sigh* such passionate love.

I've started discovering more about myself and my personality. ALthough I want to fix it all right now, I know that I can't and so I'm trying to be patient. Baby steps.

First step, confront my demons. don't isolate myself, and work towards confronting people and NOT RUNNING AWAY. Sounds easy, but I assure you that it's not. I've been doing it for so long that it's going to be difficult to break the bad habits. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it happens.

I'm tired. Getting old sucks.

Nighty my loyal fans. :)

last entry | next entry

Yoda: Sleeping on the couch
Bugger: Sleeping on a towel on the floor
Angela: Going to bed. I'm tired

0 have something naughty to say

Miss These?
- - 2006-07-02
I solemly swear that I am up to no good. - 2006-05-05
What has been going on with me - 2006-04-22
year end survey!!! - 2005-12-31
Update from Sunny CA.... - 2005-12-05
